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Toont inhoud met de hoogste reputatie op 10/27/12 in alle zones

  1. Leuke reactie op mijn post bij Briskoda. Witte Yeti, on 21 October 2012 - 21:54, said: Hi White Yeti Thanks for the response but the web address you gave was the same as the original but without translation into English, I also had a look at at the bottom of your post using a Dutch/English translation and it was very interesting. I sent the people selling the grill an email in English and Russian (I hope the Russian was accurate and not rude) and got the reply below so it may be possible to get one mail order. Hello, Derek. We shall know in the post how much the delivery. We take money Western Union. We need your complete mailing address. We also need your name, surname and patronymic. We shall write you in a week how much the delivery and the parcel.
    2 punten
  2. Nou, ik vindt het hier echt een gezellig en warm forum , en zeer informatief !. Men wordt hier ook vriendelijk ontvangen bij aanmelding!. Kortom ik voel me hier op mijn plaats!.
    1 punt
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