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Ik kom uit England - Ik spreek aleen engels - mijn nederlands is niet goed! - Sorry!

Ik heb een probleem met mijn Columbus - de sherm is heelemaal in Duits - hoe kan ik tuerug naar engles schaakelen?


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Hello Wotnik! I don't think it poses any problem to communicate in English with you. Welcome here.

I think it would be wise to put your question in a destinated topic, this is just to introduce yourself. I'm sure one of the moderators will be so kind to do that for you.

We would appreciate it if you'd tell a little more about yourself and your car in this topic though.

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Hello Wotnik,

If you read this then i transfer your question to the right area here in the fora.

But that yoy are englisch it's perhaps better for you to take a look on the britisch skoda forum ?

The weblink is

So please let a massage here that you read this answer so i can transfer the text !

And good of you to try to cummunicate in dutch but it's in holland and belgium no problem to write and speak in englisch.

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